
A range of investment advisors offer numerous products in the market today. In such a crowded category, we knew it made sense to break through the clutter with something drastically different. After all… AssetBuilder is quite unlike any of their competitors.


The Smartest Guy In The Universe. We took the core principles of a solid investment strategy and shared them through the voice of a new character who illustrated everything in a manner so simple it was, well, smart.


Our character was created with a truly distinct style which made for unique and shareable video content. But not only that… an engaging way to deliver traditional online content from a fun and fresh editorial perspective.

How To Slice Up The Perfect Pie

I want to teach you the recipe for making the smartest pizza in the world. Why is it so smart you might ask? Because it is made with lots and lots of different ingredients. Just like your portfolio should be.

Look at this pizza pie! Every single piece is made youniquely yummy. Because diversification allows investors to capture a return from the whole market versus taking a risk focusing on specific sectors.

We got small cap pepperoni. Large cap with sausage. International… well that’s a special veggie mix. And the chicken with pineapple? Those are emerging markets. Interesting, yes! Of course, we’ll just start out with a small piece to make sure they are good.

Just a little food for thought. Remember to stay diversified and protect yourself against the unforeseen. Call my friends at AssetBuilder today and let their advisors turn your thin crust into a deep dish. That’s more dough for everybody!